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RaMtiGA - Raising a Middleworld to its Golden Age
Privacy - Anonymous Data

Anonymous information is tracked for quality assurance. We track statistical data on the hardware used, some performance parameters and which content is used. The latter is done to find out where people get stuck and improve the game design based on this information.

As reference key, we store a random unique identifier in the player preferences of each game installation, which includes both standalone installations and Web players. On Web players, an "installation" is considered the first time a specific Web player is opened on a specific computer. For each different type of Web player (evaluation, registered evaluation, full version, beta-versions) an own unique identifier is generated. Also, for each new version of the games, a new unique identifier is generated. While technically, it would be possible to store the IP-address for each logged data entry, we do not link the IP address with any of this data to assure that there is no way of connecting the statistical data stored with the person that generated this statistical data.

With each unique identifier, the following information is stored once per installation:

  • Unique Identifier (as defined above)
  • Created in Week (this is a timestamp, but in order to make connecting the anonymous data with personal data impossible, instead of using the exact time, only the week is stored; to be exact: each month is split in sections of 8 days, so you get either one of 1st, 9th, 17th, or 25th instead of the actual day of the month, let alone the time of the day)
  • Game Plattform (Web player, standalone build etc.)
  • Game Name (Which game is this?)
  • Game Version (Which version of the game is this?)
  • Operating System (Windows, Mac OS) and Version
  • Technical Data on Hardware (processor type, processor count, system memory size, graphics device vendor, graphics device name, graphics device version, graphics memory size, supports image effects, supports render textures, supports shadows, supports vertex programs, unity version)

Whenever you start the game, an entry with the following data is generated:

  • Installation ID (this is the unique identifier defined above)
  • Unique Identifier of this game-session
  • Timestamp (this is the time in seconds since the installation ID was created; as the exact data of this is only available on the client, this cannot be linked to personalized data)

Whenever you start a play-session or enter a new area, or finish a play-session or finish the area you were currently playing in (step in tutorials, levels in single-player), the following data is stored:

  • Game-Session ID (this connects play-sessions with game-sessions)
  • Unique Identifier of this play-session
  • Timestamp (this is the time in seconds since the unique ID was created, as the exact data of this is only available on the client, this cannot be linked to personalized data)
  • Current Quality Settings (initial quality level, auto adjust quality, show explosion effects)
  • Start, Exit or Complete (Have you just started this section, exited before completion, or completed this section?)
  • Game-Type (Tutorial, Practice, Single-Player, Multiplayer)
  • Tracer (Which Cycle you are using)
  • Level-Name / Tutorial Type (Tutorial 01, 02 or 03)
  • Only in Tutorial: Tutorial Step

Whenever you are playing the game (tutorials, practice, single player, multiplayer), in a regular interval (15 seconds to 1 minute), the following data is stored:

  • Play-Session ID (this connects the performance data with the play-sessions)
  • Timestamp (this is the time in seconds since the unique ID was created, as the exact data of this is only available on the client, this cannot be linked to personalized data)
  • Current Quality Level (Fastest, Fast, Simple, Good, Beautiful, Fantastic) and Quality Settings (Show Image Effects, Show Explosion Effects, Show Self Explosion Effects)
  • Number of Explosions
  • Own Explosion?
  • Is Smoke-PowerUp activated?
  • Fullscreen or Windowed Mode?
  • Screen resolution (actually: game resolution)
  • Last Frames per Second
  • Current Minimum Frames per Second
  • Current Maximum Frames per Second
  • Only in Multiplayer-Sessions: Last Ping-Time
  • Only in Multiplayer-Sessions: Current Minimum Ping-Time
  • Only in Multiplayer-Sessions: Current Maximum Ping-Time

TO BE IMPLEMENTED: For transparency, and as a service to fellow game developers, the following tables contain current data as it is stored in our databases. There's examples of 5 random entries in each table, as well as statistical overviews.

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