Erstellt von:
Jashan Chittesh
Now that was magical. I just dialed the number of my brother Stefan because I wanted to ask him about a barbecue (vegetarian for me, of course) tomorrow. He answered the phone and asked, whether I had seen he had just registered a few seconds ago. I did not. It turned out that he had just registered the moment before I called him. That happening in the timeframe of about a minute gives this a special synchronicity significance... My brother's really into WoW, and gave me a link to a video that I'm currently downloading - probably some really epic combat scene. About 350MB... and just another one... I'm still talking to him on the phone while writing this (just in case I come across really confused ;-) ).
Well - so my brother Stefan is the first family member to become a member in my game world. Cool! Welcome Stefan, to the real world ;-)
And taking the opportunity, I started up my old V0.8 server and we had a couple of TRaceON sessions. That was cool. Stefan also had a few ideas I hadn't thought of that I might be implementing: He was missing a perspective right behind the cycle. I deliberately always move the camera either a bit left or right from the cycle. To be honest, I hadn't even thought of the possibility to keep the camera right behind the cycle, so I'll add some key command for the camera to be fixed behind the player.
Another suggestion Stefan made was implementing a mouse controlled camera. That's a more involved thing to implement, though, as for that I will need adsw-control. I'm not sure if I'll implement that, yet, but if I do, I'll have two modes: Mouse camera control with adsw and full-keyboard-control with cursor-keys. Since many people are used to adsw, it'll probably make a lot of sense to implement that, anyways...