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RaMtiGA - Raising a Middleworld to its Golden Age
RaMtiGA - Raising a Middleworld to its Golden Age: Blog
Mar 13

Erstellt von: Jashan Chittesh

This is a short entry: I just crossed the 300 hours boundary... So that means I'm almost 40 "person-days" into the project, which is about two full working months. Originally, I planned to make this really simple - but then it turned out to be so much fun making it much more than I originally had planned. Ideas keep flowing, and - don't count me on this, I'm saying this just for me: I guess I'll be done with V1.0 after another 150 hours, so all in all, it will probably end up being a "three-person months" project.

Let's see if I can still squeeze that in while I'm 32 ;-)


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