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RaMtiGA - Raising a Middleworld to its Golden Age
RaMtiGA - Raising a Middleworld to its Golden Age: Blog
Sep 8

Written by: Jashan Chittesh

Whoa, that's quite an amazing feeling: My first game is being covered in an actual magazine. No, not just an online magazine, a real magazine printed on paper!

That's quite amazing because my first game is on the frontpage of the second issue of Unity Developer magazine. I consider this a historical moment. So, if you feel in any way like a potential fan of TraceOn or RaMtiGA, you should definitely consider getting this issue (if you're a fellow Unity developer, you should actually consider subscribing to this magazine). One day, when TraceOn is played by millions of players, that issue will be worth thousands and thousands of dollars.



Here's the frontpage:

Trace On covered in Unity Developer Magazine

Well, anyways, it was interesting to create that screenshot. One of the plans I have to TraceOn is recording the game sessions so that they can be replayed and different camera angles, actually different cameras can be assigned and switched so that you can create the most dramatic movie out of when you first finally mastered one of those incredibly difficult levels with a team of 19 other players. Now that's not kidding, that's serious. So, while this is actually a future feature that most likely won't make it into the initial release, I needed some parts of the functionality for this to create a screenshot like the one you're seeing on the front page of Unity Developer Magazine issue #2.

I built upon some of the experiences I've had while creating the third tutorial, but decided not to use any code as the approach I used there turned out to be really difficult to use. What I have now is a "pretty convenient" way of arranging a game scene, and the datastructures are the same I'll be using for this future "create a Trace On movie" feature.


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